War Of The Misread Augury©️

Final cover

Final cover

Cover art I illustrated last month for an upcoming novel of a three part medieval series, ‘Black Griffin Rising’. ‘Celdemer Vs. The Ogres’ from ‘War Of The Misread Augury’. I was given an excellent excerpt by D.S. Halyard, with emphasis on emulating the conquest aesthetic from Frank Frazetta’s work. First image is the final with approved title and text format. 
You can find the book for digital download on Kindle here! https://www.amazon.com/War-Misread-Augury-Griffin-Trilogy-ebook/dp/B09464R92G/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=war+of+the+misread+augury&qid=1621016307&s=amazon-devices&sr=1-1